The National Assembly goes to the vote and with 485 votes to one, proclaims Prince Carol as King of Romania.
During this time, Prince Carol and Prince Nicolae, with an imposing procession, started from the Palace in Calea Victoriei towards the Patriarchate and 101 cannon shots announced the passage of the royal procession. Throughout, a huge crowd cheered the Prince and threw flowers at him. The enthusiasm was indescribable.
In the courtyard of the Patriarchate, a company from the 9th hunting regiment gives the honors and the music sings the royal anthem, while the president of the council, d. G. G. Mironescu, together with the entire government and the presidents of the Legislative Bodies, come out to meet Their Highnesses.
At 3:30 p.m., Prince Carol goes up to the president's podium, amid the endless cheers and cheers of the National Assembly, and takes the oath. Emotion overwhelms hearts, when the new King kisses the cross, then embraces His Royal Highness Prince Nicholas and stormy applause underscores this beautiful gesture.
LAW No. 144 of 8 June 1930
For the annulment of the law by which His Highness King Prince Charles renounced the succession to the Throne and of the law by which the Representative received the Regency appointed by His Majesty King Ferdinand I
Published in the MONITEUR OFFICIEL n° 124 bis of 8 June 1930
Article 1
The Legislative Power, assembled in a single assembly and constituted as a national representation, declares the following annulled:
Law promulgated by the Superior Royal Decree No. 13, published in the Official Gazette No. 4 of January 5, 1926, by which was received the renunciation of His Royal Highness Prince Charles to the succession to the Throne and to all the rights, titles and prerogatives he enjoyed, under the Constitution and the Royal Statutes, as Crown Prince of Romania and as a member of the reigning family.
Also declares annulled the law promulgated by the Superior Royal Decree no. 14 of 4 January 1926, by which the national representative receives the regency appointed by His Majesty King Ferdinand I.
Consequently, on the basis of articles 77 and 79 of the Constitution, the National Representation declares that the succession to the Romanian Throne rightfully belongs to His Highness King Prince Charles, direct and legitimate descendant, in the order of the first bearded son of King Ferdinand I.
Voted by the National Representation on 8 June 1930