King Carol II , direct successor and heir to the throne of his father, King Ferdinand I . Having not abdicated on September 6 1940, but deposed by a coup staged by Ion Antonescu, the Fascist Iron Guard, and the German attache in Bucharest, Fabricius, and Hitler’s personal envoy to Bucharest, Killinger.
King Carol II was forced to go into exile. Michael Hohenzollern, in violation of the Constitution of 1938, which was suspended, but not annulled, and replaced by another one, was named King, by the head of state, and prime minister Ion Antonescu. Regardless of the fact of the new Regime’s lack of Constitutional legitimacy, and an absence of a National Assembly. the National Legionary State, lasted for one year, achieving, the entry of Romania into a war against the Allies, by joining the Axis. After a revolt by the Iron Guard, Antonescu, decreed a new regime; a Military dictatorship. The dictatorship lasted until august 23 1944, when a defeated Romania, had to sign an Armistice with the Allied force, and the Regime was extinguished. On December 30th 1947, King Michael Abdicated. On January 2, The Popular Republic of Romania was proclaimed by the National Assembly. on June 1948. all the assets of the Royal Family were confiscated by the new regime.
Once in exile, ex-King Michael of Romania relinquished his right to the throne by the fact his Father King Carol II was the nominal King, as per the Constitution of 1938, and the Rules of the House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen Romania. In 1950, the Furst of the house of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, writes a letter to Carol II, and asks him to call a family council to determine who would inherit the title of “Heir to the throne”. The Furst, declares, that since Michael abdicated, the King was Carol. King Carol II dies in Estoril in 1953.
"Michael I-
By the grace of God and the national will, King of Romania.
To all present and future health.
In the life of the Romanian state, political, economic and social changes have taken place in recent years, which have created new relationships between the main factors of state life. These relations no longer correspond to the conditions established by the fundamental pact, the Constitution of the country, requiring a rapid and fundamental change.
Faced with this situation, in full agreement with the country's decision-makers, and aware of my responsibility, I consider that the monarchical institution no longer corresponds to the current conditions of our state life, representing a serious obstacle to Romania's development.
Consequently, I am fully aware of the importance of what I am doing in the interest of the Romanian people,
for myself and for my heirs to the throne, renouncing for myself and for them all the prerogatives I have exercised as King of Romania. I leave my people the freedom to choose their new form of state.
Michael I
Bucharest, 30 December 1947"
In 2007 Prince Michael Hohenzollern, having returned to Romania, passed a new Status of the House of Romania, he did not say under which article of the Constitution of 1992, or which Article of previous Constitutions, he was entitled to do so. On 10th of May, 2011, Prince Michael Hohenzollern, issues a notice, declaring that by the authority given to him by the articles of his “ Fundamental Norms of the Royal Family of Romania” of 30th December 2007 , he breaks dynastic ties and relations with the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen House.