By Royal Decree no. 900 of 20 February 1938, published in the "Monitorul Oficial", part I, no. 42 of 20 February 1938, King Charles II decrees the new Constitution of Romania, deciding to submit it to the Romanian Nation for "good knowledge and consent".
In the same issue of the "Monitorului Oficial" are published:
a) King Charles II's Proclamation to the Romanians, dated 20 February 1938, in which he briefly presents the content of the newly decreed Constitution and submits it to "the Romanian people's envoi";
b) Royal Decree No. 901 of 20 February 1938, by which the Romanian people were called on 24 February 1938 to vote by plebiscite on the Constitution decreed by the King;
c) Royal Decree No. 902 of 20 February 1938, appointing the five members of the Commission for the totalisation of the result of the plebiscite.
The plebiscite was held on 24 February 1938, and all voters on the electoral lists for the Assembly of Deputies were called to vote. Participation in the vote was compulsory, with each voter expressing his or her choice by a verbal declaration, for or against the Constitution, made before the polling station. 4,303,064 voters turned out for the plebiscite, of whom 4,297,581 voted for the Constitution and 5,483 against.
In the "Monitorul Oficial", part I, no. 48 of 27 February 1938 are published:
(a) The Act recording the votes cast by the Romanian people on the plebiscite proposed on February 20, 1938, bearing the date of February 26, 1938, drawn up by the High Commission for totalizing the result of the plebiscite;
b) The word of King Charles II on the result of the plebiscite;
c) Report No. 458 of 27 February 1938 of the Council of Ministers to the King, submitting the Constitution to royal sanction;
d) The Constitution, sanctioned by Royal Decree No. 1045 of 27 February 1938, signed by King Charles II and countersigned by the President of the Council of Ministers, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church Miron Cristea, and 15 members of the Secretaries of State.
The Constitution came into force on 27 February 1938, the date of its sanction. On the same date it expressly repealed the 1923 Constitution.
The 1938 Constitution consisted of 100 articles, grouped under 8 titles.
By Royal Decree No 3052 of 5 September 1940, signed by King Charles II and published in the "Monitorul Oficial" No 205 of 5 September 1940, the 1938 Constitution was suspended and the legislative bodies were dissolved.